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Archive for June, 2012

Best Alumapalooza Photo!

Wednesday, June 13th, 2012

Corey and Noah slept in the trailer first (last summer), but Nathan and Johanna were the first to take a road trip with me to Alumapalooza.  This picture is courtesy of the APZ photographer, Alison Turner.  I just LOVE it.

Nathan and Johanna at Alumapalooza 2012

P.S. I think Johanna caught aluminitis!

P.P.S Other photos by Obie

Would you like a cold one?

Wednesday, June 13th, 2012

I cut out a new counter from plywood and covered it with left over marmoleum (plan to do this for the kitchenette counter as well).  It’s camouflaged sitting on the stool over the floor.

Nathan sent me a suggestion for a 12volt cooler since I could not afford the $11oo frig replacement.  I installed the overcounter cabinet (thanks for the extra set of hands Craig), the new counter, and then cut another similar piece and made a shelf to have the cooler off the floor and create more storage space.

You can sit on the temporary futon (future dinette) and have a cold drink on Rosie.




New LP tanks

Monday, June 11th, 2012

From Vintage Trailer Supply


New 30lb tanks

Dead deer, dead frig

Thursday, June 7th, 2012

I killed a deer taking my original frig to be serviced by Jeff’s RV in Waverly.  Then I found out my frig was not salvagable.  I was shook up from hitting the deer, damaging my truck, and finding out the frig I had been keeping safe for several years was trash, but I must say that Jeff was very kind and helpful.  I would recommend him based on this experience.  I sadly recycled the frig at the Tompkins Solid Waste center.  The truck won’t be done until end of next week, so I won’t leave for MN until then.

[pic of truck forthcoming]

Gas lines installed at Airstream Service Center

Monday, June 4th, 2012

Check out my new regulator and gas lines:



Thanks Casper!  He has been there for over 40 years, so was there when Rosie was built!

The Mothership

Monday, June 4th, 2012


Airstream Service Center and lounge:  free coffee and wifi!

Falling off the grid

Sunday, June 3rd, 2012

It was a great Alumapalooza in Jackson Center, OH and wonderful to share it with Nathan, Johanna, and Gail along with all the other Airstreamers.  It was (is) frustrating that the cell/wifi service is so bad here.  I like not being tied to the computer, but I didn’t like feeling out of communication with family and friends.  I had planned to post everyday, but it was too hard.

I really enjoyed HymnForHer on Friday night and Antsy McClean last night with guest harmonica player, Dave Winick (of Vintage Trailering)

I am now parked in the Airstream factory Terra Port.  I have an appointment tomorrow to have the gas lines installed so I can have hot water and eventually a stove, frig and catalytic heater. I felt ok doing the electric and plumbing, but will feel better having the gas done professionally. If Newton was still around, I’d do it with him.

I bought a used stove at the swap meet that came out of a 1975 Trade Wind.  I hope it works.  

Nathan and Jo are on their way back to FL and I spent the afternoon cleaning up and watching the Jackson Center parade.  There are several ‘palooza folks around so it’s like an after party.

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