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Archive for December, 2010

It’s a bit nippy out there.

Sunday, December 5th, 2010

It was 26 degrees outside today, inside the trailer it topped off at 42 degrees.  The heater helps, but I will be happier when it is insulated.


You can see the foam strips on the wall in the section above the window and the ones I pre-cut in the bag. The Prodex comes in a big roll.


Since the last post I sealed 3/4ths of the interior seams with Sikaflex 221, bought colored 12 gauge wire to redo the exterior lighting, and started the Prodex insulation process.  When I bought the “Liquid Nails” tube to attach the foam strips that the reflective insulation gets attached to, the guy at the box store told me to be careful with that, quite emphatically.  At the time I thought this stuff must be strong, then I thought, “What does he think I’m going to do with it? Glue some of my body parts together?”  As it turns out, it comes off of hands and out of hair very easily, but still works well (so far).  It’s going to take me all winter at the rate it’s going up.



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