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Archive for March, 2007

March Snows

Sunday, March 18th, 2007

The snow pealed back to reveil Eranthis (winter aconite) in full flower.Craig is anxious for spring and has been scouting for signs all week. We had a warm foggy day and the snow started to recede, then an impressive snow storm hit at the week end. Too bad its not going to last until next week when Nathan travels up from Florida for some end-of-season snow boarding.

March storm decorates Rosie.I’ve been wanting to get a picture of the airstream in the snow and thought I let the opportunity pass, but it was a gorgeous sunny (windy) post snow storm day, so here it is. I still want to get one at night with the holiday lights along the driveway, maybe tonight.

For more pictures of the recent snow, see today’s post over at Craig’s blog.

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