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Archive for October, 2012

Back at it!

Tuesday, October 30th, 2012

I have been paralyzed with a decision as to whether I will keep the original walls that I put up in a rush before my summer trip.  I don’t like the old laminate board, but they are up and functional.  In talking it through with several friends and family, I realized that you don’t really see much of the walls once the rest of the interior is in and the cost and time of redoing it felt overwhelming.  So I decided to leave them installed, but I may paint (white board paint?) or cover some of them.  With the bathroom and twin bed essentially done, Rosie wants her office, kitchen, and dinette built.  I decided to work on the office next, given that I was working my way from back to front.

Airstream Office Plan (Google Sketchup)

Airstream Office Plan (Google Sketchup)

The office is going in along the curb side in-between the bathroom and frig area where the other twin bed would’ve been.  I want it to have a work surface, shelves for storage bins, heater, standing desk, and wall-mounted monitor on a swivel.  I also wanted to do it in a way that I could convert the shelf area into a bed as needed (not asking much).  I came across these Kee Klamp fittings and aluminum pipe while looking for building material options. I redid the measurements (Thanks Jo!) and used the Sketchup I had made of Rosie last winter to design the area and flesh out the materials list to determine cost and make an order.  Here’s a jpg of the current draft from SketchUp for the office.  The gate-like structure on the lower left (fore) has an LP catalytic heater on it that can be swung out to point to other areas of the trailer and offer support to a bed conversion.  The monitor and laptop tray would also swing on the vertical pipe.  I can also add shelves on the right wall (aft) connected to the vertical pipe.  I can store a board under the other twin mattress that could be placed on the shelves and a thin mattress could be rolled out on it for a high bed.

If I go through with this plan, I’ll post a link to the project space on their website.  Feedback welcome.

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