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Archive for the ‘Kitchenette’ Category

Kitchenette progress

Sunday, August 25th, 2013

Still in process….


Old cabinet to clean, sand, paint and prep for building the kitchenette


13 - 5

Removed pump plumbing to prep for building kitchenette


13 - 4

Pump and parts



Cleaned up overhead locker for kitchenette and adapted a computer fan for the stove vent.

Falling off the grid

Sunday, June 3rd, 2012

It was a great Alumapalooza in Jackson Center, OH and wonderful to share it with Nathan, Johanna, and Gail along with all the other Airstreamers.  It was (is) frustrating that the cell/wifi service is so bad here.  I like not being tied to the computer, but I didn’t like feeling out of communication with family and friends.  I had planned to post everyday, but it was too hard.

I really enjoyed HymnForHer on Friday night and Antsy McClean last night with guest harmonica player, Dave Winick (of Vintage Trailering)

I am now parked in the Airstream factory Terra Port.  I have an appointment tomorrow to have the gas lines installed so I can have hot water and eventually a stove, frig and catalytic heater. I felt ok doing the electric and plumbing, but will feel better having the gas done professionally. If Newton was still around, I’d do it with him.

I bought a used stove at the swap meet that came out of a 1975 Trade Wind.  I hope it works.  

Nathan and Jo are on their way back to FL and I spent the afternoon cleaning up and watching the Jackson Center parade.  There are several ‘palooza folks around so it’s like an after party.

Rotten floors and demolition duty

Saturday, October 28th, 2006

Marc (my sister’s sweetie) generously offered to replace the rotten floor in Rosie, in spite of the fact that he recognized what a pain it was going to be and that I would be of no help.

As mentioned earlier [1] [2] in the blog, I have a hole in the curb-side floor and a large area of punky wood from water leaks (the analogy of the punky wood to my osteoporotic bones does not go unnoticed by me).

We debated about what area of the floor to replace given our inexperience and not knowing the entire layout of the frame. At first we were going to just do a 1.25ft x 4ft area under the vista window (next to the door), but then we decided the area in front of the door was not solid enough (you could poke a drill bit in it like paper mache).

We could tell where the ribs were running width-wise, but thought there was no support for the length-wise seam between the new and old plywood. At this point, we figured it would be better to replace the whole sheet of plywood from the door to under the kitchenette. I was planning on working on the kitchenette anyway.


So Marc dismanteled the kitchenette and was amazed at how much stuff is crammed in that 8 sq.ft. of space:

  • Plumbing, gas, and electrical connections
  • Hot water heater (functional? replacing?)
  • Water pump (functional? probably replacing)
  • Furnace (don’t trust it – replacing with catalytic or new furnace)


When Marc realized he couldn’t easily remove the rusted floor screws connecting the plywood to the metal frame, he went back to the water damage hole in the floor and cut away the rot to get a better view of what was going on and found out that there is supports in the frame length-wise that we didn’t know about.


Then he ripped out a section of the floor in front of the door that was punky and we abandoned the notion of replacing the whole sheet of plywood since we had more support that we thought. I also need to ask around about the aluminum shield under the plywood in front of the door. I assume its extra protection for the entry area.

So I got good news about the floor and a BONUS of having the kitchenette and furnace pulled out! Because my body is still under restoration, I was resigned to nothing happening to Rosie in 2006. It was a real treat to see some progress made. I really appreciate Marc making it happen, WHAT A GREAT GUY!

[Marc and the displaced kitchenette in the front section of the trailer]

Questions and hesitations

Saturday, July 15th, 2006

Well, once again its been a bit since I posted. I went back to work part time June 1st and have been trying to stay caught up on my rest. No major news on the Rosie front, but I have been thinking. Besides not being able to physically work on her, I’m also alittle unsure on a few design details.

Do I really want to get rid of the old furnace under the sink to make room for a double bed / dinette setup? Do I want to shorten the kitchentte. Do I want the bed/dinette combo? I still think the answer is yes, but I’m just a little hesitant to commit to it. I think I’d be ok for counter space if I reinstall the flip counter or get a new one. I do like the idea of having the catalytic gas heaters (1 or 2). I think I could put one on the side of the fridge (by the door) on a swivel to cover the front half and maybe one for the other half somewhere that has easy access to a gas connection (other side of fridge or other side of stove location near the remaining twin).

I’m thinking I need a professional to look at the belly pan and the septic/black tank connections. I need to get down there and take a look . I wonder if I should have the belly pan removed, the frame inspected and sandblasted and a new belly pan put on. Its such a cost, but it would make me feel more secure about the trailer’s longevity. I’d like more advice on this topic sometime. I don’t have a tow vehicle right now and I can’t do the hauling myself anyway, but I would like to know before I go replacing floor and installing anything if it needs more extensive repairs.

There’s more things, but I’ll save it for another post. Need to post more often.

Appliance plans

Monday, July 11th, 2005

Craig and I are thinking about replacing the range with a 2-burner drop-in cooktop and a small microwave. I want to shorten up the lower kitchen cabinet to accomodate a full bed in the front. The plan buys us more space, less weight, and enough functionality. This stove is in such bad shape, I don’t want it. I offered it to Fletch for parts and he stopped by with Denise tonight and took it away.

Stove all gone

They invited us to attend a local unofficial vintage trailer group getting together up at Taughannock Falls this Sunday.

Not sure about the furnace or hot water heater yet. Will see how they check out and fit with the revisions. There is a smaller furnace that would be cool to use.

— Cleaned the frig, I hope it works.

Clean frig Fridge model

— Pulled out the crappy crap tubes in the rear bumper, was afraid I would find some poo in there, instead had a great find… the missing “M” in the bumber tray for the “Airstrea_”. Now I just have to figure out how to reattach it.

Missing \

— WD-40’d the jack on the curb-side rear and road-side front and cranked them to the ground. The trailer feels more stable with the “stabilizer” jacks down.

Rear jack

Happy Birthday Nathan!!

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