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Archive for September, 2011

4th NorthEast Tin Can Tourist Rally

Sunday, September 18th, 2011

It was a chilly, but fun rally at Sampson State Park this weekend.  We had book club at the trailer on Sat morning and then mom, Corey, Noah, and Jon came up for the open house, then we went out to a nice meal with Carol, Marc, and Craig at Americana.

Sampson State Park

Photo thanks to Colin



Left to right: Mom, me, Elaine, Cindy, Kindle, Sandy, Olivia, and Mary. Front row: Malcolm and Gunner.

It was great to see old friends (Fletch/Denise, Gail, Deborah, Colin, Sig/Dawn, Melissa/Tom) and make new ones. One of the highlights was hanging out with Prince Malcolm, Sir Gunner, and their families.

Trimming the edges

Wednesday, September 14th, 2011

2011-09-12_19-04-29_108.jpg When Frank reunited the new floor with the shell last year, he made new aluminum wheel well covers. A very nice addition, but it meant having to re-cut the inner skins so it fit over the new covers. I was nervous about messing up the skin (you can’t put it back and it doesn’t grow out), so I used cardboard to create a guide for cutting the aluminum skin.  The template got me started in the right direction, but I still had to make several passes and dry fits before it was acceptable.  I think it came out pretty well, the bleeding blisters on my fingers from the tin snips are healing.


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