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Falling off the grid

It was a great Alumapalooza in Jackson Center, OH and wonderful to share it with Nathan, Johanna, and Gail along with all the other Airstreamers.  It was (is) frustrating that the cell/wifi service is so bad here.  I like not being tied to the computer, but I didn’t like feeling out of communication with family and friends.  I had planned to post everyday, but it was too hard.

I really enjoyed HymnForHer on Friday night and Antsy McClean last night with guest harmonica player, Dave Winick (of Vintage Trailering)

I am now parked in the Airstream factory Terra Port.  I have an appointment tomorrow to have the gas lines installed so I can have hot water and eventually a stove, frig and catalytic heater. I felt ok doing the electric and plumbing, but will feel better having the gas done professionally. If Newton was still around, I’d do it with him.

I bought a used stove at the swap meet that came out of a 1975 Trade Wind.  I hope it works.  

Nathan and Jo are on their way back to FL and I spent the afternoon cleaning up and watching the Jackson Center parade.  There are several ‘palooza folks around so it’s like an after party.

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