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Archive for the ‘Floor’ Category

Shitake on the floor

Sunday, May 6th, 2012

Thanks to Endwell Rug for the quality service and the installers, Bill and Jamie for getting the Forbo Marmoleum cut, glued, and seam sealed. They did a GREAT job and it looks fantastic. Rosie was a big hit sitting in the Endwell Rug parking lot. It was also fun having her at mom’s in West Corners. Thanks to the neighbors for letting her sit in front of their house (missed photo op, next time…).  I suspect she will occupy that spot many times to come.  Thanks mom for helping to make it happen!

Taken with camera, colors more accurate than ones below…



Phone shots…  nice cut job!



Marmoleum is cut…

Friday, May 4th, 2012


Waiting for installer

Friday, May 4th, 2012

At Endwell Rug …


Say goodbye to my beautiful subfloor.

Wednesday, May 2nd, 2012

The marmoleum will be installed this weekend. I hate covering up Frank’s handiwork, just like I hated covering up my reflective insulation, but I’m excited to move into the next phase. Next post will be of the new floor.



Coming back together…

Sunday, June 13th, 2010

Takin it to 11… Eleven Man May 23rd, 2010
Frank won points with Craig making a great analogy to “Spinal Tap”, one of his cult favorites. Stripping down Rosie’s chasis and welding on new outriggers and a crossmember.

Pour on the Por…  fifteen that is May 31, 2010
Lovely pictures of Rosie’s frame showing 2-3 coats of POR-15.  In other words, “Paint Over Rust”, I wonder if that might be where POR comes from.

Batten down the hatches and the plywood June 11, 2010
It’s great to see Rosie starting to come back together!  She won’t be done in time for the Bash in Plymouth, NY, but I am reconciled to that and have plans to camp in a truck tent with a comfy mattress.

Rosie at Frank Camp:

Updates from Frank

Sunday, May 9th, 2010

Bad news is the outriggers are almost all bad. Good news is that the cross members and main frame rails are ok. The great news is that she’s getting fixed!

I’m glad Frank is feeling better!  I hope that new truck works out well for him.

Rosie at Bat!

Saturday, April 24th, 2010

Frank's Trailer WorksI received an email from Frank last night that Rosie is in the hot seat at the Trailer Works.  I cringed when he said “ripped apart starting Monday”, but am VERY EXCITED that she’ll have a new floor and axles in the near future, along with some other work.

You can follow her progress at Frank’s blog.

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