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Archive for April, 2010

Rosie at Bat!

Saturday, April 24th, 2010

Frank's Trailer WorksI received an email from Frank last night that Rosie is in the hot seat at the Trailer Works.  I cringed when he said “ripped apart starting Monday”, but am VERY EXCITED that she’ll have a new floor and axles in the near future, along with some other work.

You can follow her progress at Frank’s blog.

Window Screens

Sunday, April 18th, 2010

I pulled 5 of the trailer’s 6 window screens out of the basement.  I’m wondering if #6 is still in the trailer.  The basement is full of trailer guts and it’s hard to sort through, but I don’t think I missed it down there.  I removed the old screen material, sanded off the old paint, spray painted two coats of off-white (matches the color of the bathroom fixtures), and re-screened them with new grey spline and fiberglass screening material.  I think they look lovely!


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