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Archive for the ‘Technology’ Category

Waves in and out

Tuesday, May 15th, 2012

The sky cleared long enough to get on the ladder to try out the new antenna and hardware.  I think its secure enough and the right angle adapter keeps it less than 1.5 inches so it fits in the ceiling space!



Its pretty low profile.

Solar links and cosmic links

Sunday, April 1st, 2007

sun.gifCraig finally found a blog that overlaps our obsessions, his being gardens and mine being Airstreams, and the irony is the title of the blog is not related to either topic: Tales from the Microbial Laboratory. It sounds like Pam is using her trailer as temporary housing and might just get the Airstream bug. She had a couple of good solar links which encouraged me to consolidate my solar resources:

It also reminded me that I hadn’t received my Srping ’07 issue of Airstream Life. I think I let my subscription expire. OH NO! I’ll be taking care of that ASAP.

Have you been to live.com lately?

Friday, November 3rd, 2006

My buddy Dean at work pointed out the nice “birds eye” shots available at http://local.live.com. Put your address in the search box and be sure to click on “Maps” under the search. Once you find your spot, you can chose road, aerial, or bird’s eye. The pictures below are bird’s eye views.

This is approximately the 7.5 acres that the bank lets us call home, looking at it from the north.


This is looking at it the house from the south, see Rosie in the driveway 🙂


GPS ahoy!

Friday, April 7th, 2006

Pharos iGPS 360 receiver and bluetooth dockFor my birthday last week, Mom helped me buy a gps receiver and bluetooth dock for my Pocket PC phone to be used in future trips with Rosie. For now, I’m going to use it to start geocaching this summer in lieu of any biking. I wrote up a review at the Digital Rv if you want to hear about my mild bout of buyer’s remorse.

Web site housekeeping

Sunday, March 26th, 2006

I decided to upgrade to the latest WordPress software (2.0.2) and finish my blog header. I was waiting to decide what to call the trailer before putting any effort into it. I still need to put some effort into it, but this is it for now.

Rosie the RiveterTo name or not to name: I just couldn’t decide on a name for my new trailer::: Athene (warrior/travel goddess), eStream (elly’s airstream or the electronic airstream), Serenity (in honor of Firefly series), Rosie, etc. I decided to go with the cosmos, every time I worked on her last summer, I had my “Rosie the Riveter” t-shirt on and at one point found myself using the riveter at the same time… from this day forward, the trailer shall be known as “Rosie”. It helped having “Wheel Interested” aka Carol, from Digital RV forum, say she thought it would be cool.

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