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Archive for March, 2006

My top 9 trailer design reqs

Tuesday, March 28th, 2006

At work we always have to write the dreaded user and functional requirements. Surprisingly, I am doing it willingly. Even though #1 is an assumption for me since I am part alien and don’t tolerate Earth’s biomolecular chemistry, I was inspired by the recent posts about allergies in Gadget’s Airstream Chronicles and Tour of America blogs to list it outright.

#1 Allergan free (or as much as possible): No rugs, minimal curtains, hypoallergenic cushions and pillows, careful choice on chemical use, no perfume, cats, or smoking at any time.

#2 Minimal weight: Use materials that are light weight, well distributed in the trailer. Better for environment and budget, less wear and tear, smaller tow vehicle needed, less gas used.

#3 Utility independence: Efficient 12V and gas appliances, quiet electric re-generation allowing for boondocking, cheaper camping and more parking options.

#4 Comfortable and convenient sleeping arrangement for two not-small people and occasional guest, both big and small.

#5 A place to eat and play cards for four (dinette conversion).

#6 Organized and ergonomic work space with a curbside view: chair with good back support and proper desk height, storage options, layout that accomodates for laptop, dock, network, printer, audio/visual, easy off switch for things that stay on.

#7 Simple aesthetics: My taste or lack thereof, not whats en vogue

Fred and Jade#8 Dog friendly: Fred and Jade just ganged up on me and reminded me that I had to mention this one.

#9 Vintage Airstream: Keep look and feel whenever not contrary to first eight items.

Any other suggestions?

Web site housekeeping

Sunday, March 26th, 2006

I decided to upgrade to the latest WordPress software (2.0.2) and finish my blog header. I was waiting to decide what to call the trailer before putting any effort into it. I still need to put some effort into it, but this is it for now.

Rosie the RiveterTo name or not to name: I just couldn’t decide on a name for my new trailer::: Athene (warrior/travel goddess), eStream (elly’s airstream or the electronic airstream), Serenity (in honor of Firefly series), Rosie, etc. I decided to go with the cosmos, every time I worked on her last summer, I had my “Rosie the Riveter” t-shirt on and at one point found myself using the riveter at the same time… from this day forward, the trailer shall be known as “Rosie”. It helped having “Wheel Interested” aka Carol, from Digital RV forum, say she thought it would be cool.

Design Ideas

Saturday, March 25th, 2006

Reading in the MsTioga blog about a cool desk being built, has inspired me to pull together some layout ideas that have been floating in my head for close to a year. I was saving it as desert until some of the more mundane tasks were done, but since I have mental time and not physical labor time, I’m going to play. I don’t know why it took me so long to figure out I could scan the layout from the ’73 Safari Manual and use that as a scaled template. Will post the template and ideas after I get someone to move the scanner where I reach it without breaking the golden rule of no BLT’s (bending, lifting, twisting).

Rosie's layout

[3/26 — See “Design Ideas” page for schematics.]

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