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Trimming the edges

2011-09-12_19-04-29_108.jpg When Frank reunited the new floor with the shell last year, he made new aluminum wheel well covers. A very nice addition, but it meant having to re-cut the inner skins so it fit over the new covers. I was nervous about messing up the skin (you can’t put it back and it doesn’t grow out), so I used cardboard to create a guide for cutting the aluminum skin.  The template got me started in the right direction, but I still had to make several passes and dry fits before it was acceptable.  I think it came out pretty well, the bleeding blisters on my fingers from the tin snips are healing.


One Response to “Trimming the edges”

  1. Rosie the Airstream - Get Out the Map » Blog Archive » The other side Says:

    […] around the new wheel well cover.  I made another template, but was more aggressive than when I cut the curb side skin as  it will be under the twin bed and not exposed.  I got lucky and only made one major cut […]

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