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Coming back together…

Takin it to 11… Eleven Man May 23rd, 2010
Frank won points with Craig making a great analogy to “Spinal Tap”, one of his cult favorites. Stripping down Rosie’s chasis and welding on new outriggers and a crossmember.

Pour on the Por…  fifteen that is May 31, 2010
Lovely pictures of Rosie’s frame showing 2-3 coats of POR-15.  In other words, “Paint Over Rust”, I wonder if that might be where POR comes from.

Batten down the hatches and the plywood June 11, 2010
It’s great to see Rosie starting to come back together!  She won’t be done in time for the Bash in Plymouth, NY, but I am reconciled to that and have plans to camp in a truck tent with a comfy mattress.

Rosie at Frank Camp:

One Response to “Coming back together…”

  1. Cay Says:

    THIS IS AMAZING & YOU ARE AMAZING with this web page El… I LOVE watching your Rosie grow… what fun you’re going to have….

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