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Rosie at Bat!

Frank's Trailer WorksI received an email from Frank last night that Rosie is in the hot seat at the Trailer Works.  I cringed when he said “ripped apart starting Monday”, but am VERY EXCITED that she’ll have a new floor and axles in the near future, along with some other work.

You can follow her progress at Frank’s blog.

3 Responses to “Rosie at Bat!”

  1. Frank Yensan Says:

    It will get ugly before it gets pretty again. Ripping it apart is all part of the process. I promise to be gentle.

  2. elly Says:

    I know she’s in good hands!!

  3. Tom Says:

    Rosie is in excellent, talented, and caring hands. I should know – my Argosy Minuet preceded it in the hot spot.

    Best of luck with your Safari’s restoration.

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