Solar links and cosmic links
Craig finally found a blog that overlaps our obsessions, his being gardens and mine being Airstreams, and the irony is the title of the blog is not related to either topic: Tales from the Microbial Laboratory. It sounds like Pam is using her trailer as temporary housing and might just get the Airstream bug. She had a couple of good solar links which encouraged me to consolidate my solar resources:
- Solar posts at DigitalRV forum (batteries, monitor)
- Off-grid RV Lifestyle Consultants
- Solar extra @ Airstream Life
It also reminded me that I hadn’t received my Srping ’07 issue of Airstream Life. I think I let my subscription expire. OH NO! I’ll be taking care of that ASAP.
April 13th, 2007 at 7:12 pm
Hey! It is funny, isn’t it? I almost never talk about microorganisms – I keep meaning to, but then other things capture my attention when I’m not at work. I need to take a look at your other solar links. Hopefully I’ll hear something about my Airstream next week. I’m really hoping to move in there by early summer…friends are already placing bets on how long I’ll last (and I’m guessing that I will surprise them all – watch me love it, and never move out!!!).