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Web site housekeeping

I decided to upgrade to the latest WordPress software (2.0.2) and finish my blog header. I was waiting to decide what to call the trailer before putting any effort into it. I still need to put some effort into it, but this is it for now.

Rosie the RiveterTo name or not to name: I just couldn’t decide on a name for my new trailer::: Athene (warrior/travel goddess), eStream (elly’s airstream or the electronic airstream), Serenity (in honor of Firefly series), Rosie, etc. I decided to go with the cosmos, every time I worked on her last summer, I had my “Rosie the Riveter” t-shirt on and at one point found myself using the riveter at the same time… from this day forward, the trailer shall be known as “Rosie”. It helped having “Wheel Interested” aka Carol, from Digital RV forum, say she thought it would be cool.

2 Responses to “Web site housekeeping”

  1. Rich C Says:

    I love the name! Funny that you thought of Firefly too! I’m a sci-fi junkie, so I caught that one fast.

    See you somewhere on the road soon. Leaving the end of this week!


  2. wheel interested Says:

    Glad your new trailer has such a fitting name. I was surprised and flattered to see you gave me a mention! But, it was a stroke of genius on your part. Your graphic is the embodiment of determination and good old fashioned “moxie ”

    The ability to face difficulty with spirit and courage.
    Aggressive energy; initiative:
    Skill; know-how.

    Wishing you and Rosie grand and high adventure together!!!

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