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Ithaca Rally, inducted into the WBCCI

There was an Airstream rally (July 18-20) at our country neighbors, Melissa and Tom Fowler, on Ellis Hollow Creek Rd. The local paper came out and did an article. I didn’t take Rosie over, but Craig and I went to dinner on Saturday evening and we were inducted into the WBCCI. I’ve been a member (#8185) for 3 years, but due to my bike accident, back surgery, and slow trailer progress, I’ve not made it to any rallies or meetings. It was nice to meet many of the Finger Lakes Unit members. I’m hoping they post the pictures from the rally online. It looked like everyone was having a good time.


One Response to “Ithaca Rally, inducted into the WBCCI”

  1. Rebecca Eash Says:

    Hi! I am wondering about the history of “Rosie” and if she could possibly be my grandparent’s former trailer? The big red number on their trailer was #8185. They lived in Davenport, IA. I’m not sure what year they sold their Airstream, but I have many happy memories of traveling with them in it! Love your blog — looks like a HUGE project!

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