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The first job

Tim visited on his way home this AM since we had no Internet or phones at work d/t to the optic fiber catching on fire. He thought she was in good shape and not as big as he had imagined. Thinks she’d be easy to tow with a 4runner.

Cay came by after work to give her a look-see in the rain. She was surprised how big she is. Offered to help sew some curtains.

Carol and Marc called to say they’d be over this weekend. Carol offered to help measure and prepare for replacing the cushions.

Corey’s due home this weekend and mom will probably come up with Wayne and the kids. Leslie wants to go camping in it asap.

Ripped up the rug in the front half.

Ripping the rug up.

Found two major wet spots. The one under the curb side front window is very punk.

Floor damage

The leak from under the stove has not caused as much damage yet.

Kitchen leak

Craig helped take out the cushions and I took a pic of my first bag-o-rug trash.


Gonna cut out the wood in the cushions and label/save it for a template or reuse.

Next up: Rest of the rug, mattresses out, curtains out and a dump run.

One Response to “The first job”

  1. Get Out the Map » Rotten floors Says:

    […] As mentioned earlier [1] [2] in the blog, I have a hole in the curb-side floor and a large area of punky wood from water leaks (the analogy of the punky wood to my osteoporotic bones does not go unnoticed by me). […]

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