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Delivery day

Bill and Denise Fletcher arrived around 7:30 pm (with chica the chiwowa), a Ford pickup and our new trailer. He pulled her into the driveway (instead of backing in) so the door would be facing the house and we wouldn’t go in and out via the lawn which gets very wet. Earlier in the day, Craig raked up rocks and laid down fabric along the edge of the driveway to keep the trailer over to the east as much as possible. We measured where we thought the curbside tires would be and made a pile of rocks to make it level, which Fletch hit like a bullseye.

Arrived home

I can’t stay in her long as she’s musty and stuffy. Hoping to get her cleaned up asap and leave the windows open when the rain stops.

Next up: Rip up the rug and get the stinky’s out

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