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Belles-Lettres Retreat

Wellesley Island

Singer Castle

The Belles-Lettres is not just any book club, its an interesting, literate, fun group of friends. This year’s retreat was held on the east end of Wellesley Island. Besides laughing and eating nonstop, we took a boat tour of the thousand islands which included a romp through a couple of island castles. One of our best conversations revolved around Katrina and how (repeat after Tree), “the poor are powerless”. The book for the retreat was “To Dance with the White Dog”, about an older man and his battle to maintain independence in the face of age and health issues. We’re ready to start a commune for the elderly.

One Response to “Belles-Lettres Retreat”

  1. Doug Says:

    Is this Singer Castle on Dark Island in the thousand islands?
    I grew up going to the thousand islands every year and we would try to go there each year. It used to have a different name but was bought out a few years ago and turned into a more touristy place. My sister had her wedding there last July. There are two pictures in our August 2006 posts on our blog but none are very good of the castle itself.
    I found your site because I was doing a search on Dr. Zeidman. I’m thinking of taking a job with him.

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