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I do windows!

I started on the front window this weekend (on Labor Day). Its big and heavy. There was alot of garf and humidity in-between the panes of glass so in addition to removing the old gasket and adhesive (2 hours is too long), I took the 14 sheet metal screws out holding the storm window and cleaned it up. I bought new foam insulation tape, unintentionally wider (3/4 inch) and replaced the stuff that had totally disintegrated except for residual adhesive and mold. We are having trouble getting it back on the trailer, I think we need a third person to hold the lip up inside the track.

Front window

9/17 – Cay came and we got the window back in ok with three people.

Front window

One Response to “I do windows!”

  1. Get Out the Map » Making a list and checking it twice Says:

    […] Finish the window gaskets (2/door done, 4 left) […]

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