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Archive for the ‘Windows’ Category

I do windows!

Thursday, September 8th, 2005

I started on the front window this weekend (on Labor Day). Its big and heavy. There was alot of garf and humidity in-between the panes of glass so in addition to removing the old gasket and adhesive (2 hours is too long), I took the 14 sheet metal screws out holding the storm window and cleaned it up. I bought new foam insulation tape, unintentionally wider (3/4 inch) and replaced the stuff that had totally disintegrated except for residual adhesive and mold. We are having trouble getting it back on the trailer, I think we need a third person to hold the lip up inside the track.

Front window

9/17 – Cay came and we got the window back in ok with three people.

Front window

Mississippi Headwaters

Sunday, August 7th, 2005

I was gone last week to outstate MN with three very good friends – Louise, Mary, and Barb. You betcha!

Mississippi Headwaters

We were at Itasca State Park (the grandfather of parks per Louise). We biked around the wilderness area and on the Heartland trail. Among the thrills were walking across the headwaters of the Mississippi, seeing the tallest white and red pines in MN, eating in the big town of Dorset, playing cards, and belly-busting laughter. I hope I can take the trailer out to MN in a year or two 🙁

Before I left for MN, I replaced the gasket on the door. When I came back I replaced the gasket on the small window next to the door. It took hours to scrape off whatever the previous owner had used to adhere the gasket. It seemed more like a heavy brown caulk then an adhesive. The adhesive I got from InlandRV was black and is like epoxy where you have to put it on both sides then stick’em together. I kept them shut for awhile then sprayed them with silicone spray to keep them supple (a maintenance item). They seem to be staying on ok.
Door gasket

I also started caulking – YUCK! I am not too good at it and I messed up a LOT. I got the top of the door and little window, the hot water entry, and the stove vent redone with Vulkem. I also did the sides of the window and door with clear gutter seal. I used a 5 cc syringe to apply the clear sealant (thanks for the idea Fletch!) which was better than the caulk gun or the flexible tube, but my thumbs are raw from yanking on the plunger to fill the syringe.

I’ll be interested to see how the gasket, caulk, and sealant have affected the leaks if we ever get any rain.

Oh yeah and the good news of the day …. the frig works with electricity. I have ice in the freezer!

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