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Archive for the ‘General’ Category

To paint or not to paint …

Sunday, March 14th, 2010

I think I’m going to try this “RetrOBright” recipe on the ABS plastic bathroom fixtures.  When I sanded the fixtures down, they still had some stains and discoloration, but this stuff might actually do the trick.

from RetrOBright wiki

Aluminum Withdrawl

Friday, March 5th, 2010

As we drove by Melissa and Tom’s house on the way home from work, I commented to Craig that I should stop and see their trailer, cuz I miss seeing Rosie at our house.  It’s not like I don’t have stuff to do while she is gone: sand, paint and replace the window screens, find a spray paint booth for the bathroom furnishings, finish researching the electric options, etc.  Since Frank hadn’t blogged on the FTW’s site in a while, I wandered over to Anna Luminum (his trailer’s blog) and was pleased to get a glimpse of Rosie hanging with the “kewl” gals in the snow.  And the funny thing is that Frank was whining about missing his trailer in the blog post.  I think we are all starting to get spring fever.

Land Yacht vs real Yacht

Friday, August 22nd, 2008

Son Nathan is more of a captain than a streamer.  He is starting an adventure of his own with his new 30 foot Tartan.  His yacht is a 1975 versus my 1973 Land Yacht.  Its amazing how much we have in common to talk about when it comes to these two vessels.  I hope he takes more pics that I can share.
Nathan's Tartan

Ithaca Rally, inducted into the WBCCI

Monday, July 21st, 2008

There was an Airstream rally (July 18-20) at our country neighbors, Melissa and Tom Fowler, on Ellis Hollow Creek Rd. The local paper came out and did an article. I didn’t take Rosie over, but Craig and I went to dinner on Saturday evening and we were inducted into the WBCCI. I’ve been a member (#8185) for 3 years, but due to my bike accident, back surgery, and slow trailer progress, I’ve not made it to any rallies or meetings. It was nice to meet many of the Finger Lakes Unit members. I’m hoping they post the pictures from the rally online. It looked like everyone was having a good time.


March Snows

Sunday, March 18th, 2007

The snow pealed back to reveil Eranthis (winter aconite) in full flower.Craig is anxious for spring and has been scouting for signs all week. We had a warm foggy day and the snow started to recede, then an impressive snow storm hit at the week end. Too bad its not going to last until next week when Nathan travels up from Florida for some end-of-season snow boarding.

March storm decorates Rosie.I’ve been wanting to get a picture of the airstream in the snow and thought I let the opportunity pass, but it was a gorgeous sunny (windy) post snow storm day, so here it is. I still want to get one at night with the holiday lights along the driveway, maybe tonight.

For more pictures of the recent snow, see today’s post over at Craig’s blog.

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