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Travel Trailer Roadside Assistance

I have AAA and thought it would be good to add RV Plus to my account before the rally season, but the first problem I found is that the cost gets added to all the primary and associate members. Secondly, in talking to the local AAA office, they said they won’t tow the trailer if I have a break down.  They’ll fix a tire on the trailer and tow the tow vehicle, but the trailer stays where it is.

In looking at the reviews, Coach-net sounded good.  I talked to them today and the gold plan will tow a trailer to a safe spot – campground or travel center, but they won’t cover trailers over 40 years old.  Rosie turns 40 next year so she would be covered until December 31st this year. Many of Rosie’s friends are much older than 40 so this would not be a good option for vintage trailers in general. Agists

Next up, Good Sam Club.  Their standard ERS covers all the vehicles you own and one RV which can be a trailer or a 5th wheel.  It is cheaper than Coach-net and AAA.  It also has a GPS-enabled mobile app for the iphone, android, and blackberry.

Good Sam Roadside Assistance includes the cost to tow both vehicles to the nearest professional service center that can repair your vehicle. If the repairs on your truck are serious enough that they will take several days to complete, Good Sam Roadside Assistance will pay to have your travel trailer taken to a safe location, such as the nearest campground while you wait.

Note: Please verify policies before getting a membership as the info could change or I was given the wrong info.

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