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My “holy” floor

I took the credensa out to be able to watch the leak and to fix the floor and in the process went right through the floor.

Credenza out Holy floor

Bag-o-wasp nests… the top front vent was so full that when it was cleaned out I kept thinking there was a light on since I was used to no light or air coming through. Thank heavens the wasps were dead!


Inside view of the broken window. Its only cut me twice now.

Broken window

2 Responses to “My “holy” floor”

  1. Get Out the Map » Making a list and checking it twice Says:

    […] Replace punky floor (need Marc) […]

  2. Get Out the Map » Rotten floors Says:

    […] As mentioned earlier [1] [2] in the blog, I have a hole in the curb-side floor and a large area of punky wood from water leaks (the analogy of the punky wood to my osteoporotic bones does not go unnoticed by me). […]

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