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Current runs through it

My current setup/plan.  I have a few circuits complete for 12V (1, 3) and 110V (1, 2, 3A).

From Airstream Redux

Temporary lodging for the converter until the walls of the closet are up.








12V bus bar for convenient connections to the converter wires.








In the back is the ground bar which goes to the converter and to the trailer frame and other 12V negative lines. Midline is the 500A shunt for the battery meter which sits between the battery negative  and the ground bar.  In front is the 50A pole fuse which is line between the positive battery terminal and the converter.


One Response to “Current runs through it”

  1. Rosie the Airstream - Get Out the Map » Blog Archive » Mobile blogging and more pics Says:

    […] the spaghetti monster is once again under control after putting in the middle wall near the converter in the […]

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