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I had a blast at the Bash II.  My aluminum tent was a step up from the truck tent I slept in last year.  Maybe I’ll have inner skins and utilities next year!

I didn’t take many pictures at Bash II, so I’m adding other people’s pics to my album as I find them.  I will give credit to any I grab and let the owner know.


  • Frank, Ace, and Steve’s wonderful breakfast overlooking Cooper’s Lake.
  • Antsy singing at the camp file and having him visit my aluminum tent.
  • Frank, Beth, Halle, Bill, Gabbi, and Michael at the school bus demolition derby (what a riot)
  • Picking on Obie about my camp site’s address:  2 Sewage Lane.
  • Telling the story about the huge raccoon who ate everything in my cooler and scared the bejesus out of me at 1 am.
  • Seeing old friends and meeting new friends.
  • Playing with all the kids and dogs!  Crafts, rockets, ice cream, all great fun!

4 Responses to “BASH II”

  1. AirstreamHobo Says:

    Elly, I now have an open site,When do you want to Move??? Obie

  2. elly Says:

    I’ll be right there….
    Thanks again for all your help! Please give my best to wife #1 and Alexis!

  3. Kelly Klohn Says:

    It was great to see you Elly. Until next time! -Kelly Klohn

  4. elly Says:

    Frank put up a nice post about the Bash: http://annalumanum.blogspot.com/2011/07/x-marks-spot.html

    Obie shared his photo album:

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