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Aire y luz número tres

The third and last vent is in!  It was very challenging due to the wind trying to blow me off the roof.  I must say I love having that AC off.  The old pictures with the AC already look funny to me.


Now that the AC is out and the original vents replaced, three of the major leaks seem to be fixed!  There are still a few leaky items to work on:

  • curb-side front window, need to reseal
  • a rivet above the front road-side window?
  • water comes in the water intake, normally it would drain into the water tank.  This doesn’t seem right and I have no key for it. Replace?
  • gaskets in rear lights (not leaking since I sealed them, but would be good to do)

Other items on the punch list before insulating

  • replace the curb-side running light that fell off
  • seal interior seams
  • trim vent screws
  • have Fletch look at awning anchors
  • rewire exterior lights?
  • remove and re-seal running lights?
  • fix door and porch lights?

Supply list:

  • Sikaflex 721 and 221
  • bigger trouble light – it gets so dark so early now

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