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Gaining experience…

Exterior aluminum skin repair, check.  Thanks again to Frank for the pre-cut sheet and to Craig for being on the buck end.  I trimmed the original hole and drilled through Rosie’s skin and bucked solid rivets, and no major catastrophe happened.  This hole will have a sky light, but I tried out the new Fan-tastic vent replacement and it fit perfectly.  I still need to order a sky light.

Clecos in place after drilling out the holes


I got my new clecos all goopy using up a tube of Sikaflex 721.  Frank said to use a lot and I did, but I cleaned up the mess that oozed out.  Craig and I did a G-R-E-A-T job bucking the rivets.  They looked almost as good as Frank and Steve’s.  The sun was sliding down behind Snyder Hill before I got the picture taken of the newly installed aluminum so it’s a bit dark.


You can read about the air conditioner removal in previous posts.


3 Responses to “Gaining experience…”

  1. Tom Bennett Says:

    Rosie is looking great…been fun to watch all the work you have done on her. There was a cherry Airstream parked down the street from me for the last couple of days…didn’t see the inside but the outside was perfect….

  2. Frank Yensan Says:

    I knew you could do it…

  3. Cay Says:

    YOU ARE AMAZING my friend of oh so many talents and now “riviter”… and Rosie is looking “rosie” indeed ….

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