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Absentee Blogger

So, the last post was 2 weeks before I broke my back (10/15/05) on a railroad track while on a 50 mile training ride to see my mom in Endicott. The first part of the ride was great with the fall colors on the hills and the smell of autumn in the air, but then it started raining and THEN I hit the railroad crossing with its narrow angle to the road and elevated slippery rails. AND it turns out there was actually a train 5-10 minutes out, on a leaf-peeping tour. The track is only used a few times a year. The tourists waved to the crying lady sitting along side of the road amidst the corn fields – to them I was taking a break from my bike ride and part of the quaint scenary, not knowing I had just crawled off the tracks with a broken L5.

After 8 weeks of seeing multiple doctors, having multiple x-rays, CT’s, and MRI’s, I had surgery in December, performed by Dr. Seth Zeidman – a wonderful and competant neurosurgeon with a staff of angels in Rochester, NY.
Lateral labelled viewAfter a major back reconstruction with anesthesia and blood loss complications, I’m now over 2 months post-op with several months of recovery a head of me. I started PT last week and am amazed how little it takes to exhaust me.

I often look out the window at my neglected little Airstream sitting in the driveway covered with snow. I’m sure there’ll be more damage to the floor from the leaky spots, but she’s waited this long for some tender loving care, I guess she can wait a few more months.

I categorized this post under “Trips” cuz this last 4+ months has been a real trip. One I could have done without, but everywhere you go, there you are (whole and healthy or not).

One Response to “Absentee Blogger”

  1. Gary Says:

    Yeks, Ellen…..restoring the trailer will be easy after going though this! I have some experience with both and much prefer the latter. we met at VTJ (Gary & Jane, 1962 Safari, canvas on toyota truck)
    I was just going to mention bringing your bike to WBBB and if you do any Mt. biking, but nevermind that.
    Thanks for posting the photos, nice to look at in January while dreaming of summer trips. Sounds like you have Colin lined up for some work on your project and have been at it yourself. We will look forward to checking out your progress in June. That’s five months so get to work. No pressure, really.
    See you then.
    Gary (from Maine)

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