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Insulation thoughts

prodexI’ve ruled out fiber glass, spray on, and foam boards.  I’m thinking two layers of foil insulation and using Prodex instead of Reflectix.  The total space is only 1.5 inches deep.  Apply first reflective layer directly to outside wall, use foam tape or  insulfoam as a perimeter and to create air space?  Is two layers of reflective foil overkill?  The electrical wiring would go in-between the two foil layers.  Can I tape the wires to the foil insulation?  Will it move around too much, tear or pull down the foil?  I’m also thinking of a thin double sided tape on the ribs before the inner panels go up.

Thanks to Malconium at Air Forums and others for sharing their experiences and information (Malconium’s post with pictures)

[side walls] x 2 x [length of trailer] = sq feet of insulation

8′ x 2 x 23′ = 368 sq feet (x2 layers = 736)

One Response to “Insulation thoughts”

  1. elly Says:

    Now I’m thinking of just one layer using the method that Malconium used with the thinner layer of foam on the outside wall. Still not convinced I want any batting in there. We’ll see….

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