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Featured at Frank’s

It was really fun to read about Rosie in Frank’s blog tonight, head over and read it!

Due to the wet ground, she isn’t hanging with the kewl older trailers in the field.  Seventies trailers are considered vintage, but they are not as coveted as the earlier ones.  It’s not just the additional years they have on them, Airstream made them different before 1970, different management.  I happen to like the seventies look and windows and it’s good aluminum still.  The nice thing is that Frank was able to see her through my eyes.  He did a good job sorting out what she needs and what we want to accomplish.  I think I dreamt about water, grey, and black tanks last night.

Rosie at Michael's

I miss seeing her in the driveway, but now I have a picture of her in the “on deck” position, or maybe officially she’s warming up. Frank has one in surgery with another trailer on deck before Rosie.  I’m glad she’s down there waiting and not stuck in a snow bank up here.

One Response to “Featured at Frank’s”

  1. Rosie the Airstream - Get Out the Map » Blog Archive » Rosie at Bat! Says:

    […] previous post on Rosie’s […]

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