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“Jerry-rigging” the backup lights

For the OCD or purists in the crowd, you may not want to read this post. It may even be illegal. As I mentioned before, the backup lights had no socket left to replace the bulb into and the canister in the mounting base was so rusted there was nothing to screw the lens onto. I searched the local auto and tractor stores and online sites with no luck finding a replacement. So in the spirit of my enterprising father, I used some things not meant for the job, including a tuna fish can. See the step-by-step process in my web album.

New backup light

2 Responses to ““Jerry-rigging” the backup lights”

  1. Rich Charpentier Says:

    Hey, it’s so good to see the blog going and the updates moving forward! Keep it up! 🙂


  2. Rosie the Airstream - Get Out the Map » Blog Archive » Redo, reuse, redone Says:

    […] weekend.  I also ordered new canisters for the tail lights from Vintage Trailer Supply – my jerry-rigged tuna can lights have started rusting and I’m worried about future leaks and now they are making replacements […]

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